Special thanks to our classmate, computer whiz & creative designer Santiango Gutiérrez. Without his help this project wouldn´t have been possible.

Newell´s Old Boys Football Team by Mauro Tejada

Isaac Newell was born on April 24th, 1853 in England. Possessed of an adventurous spirit and fanaticism for football, he left his homeland at the age of 16  aboard a ship heading to Antarctica Argentina and settled in the city of Rosario.

In 1884 he founded the "Colegio Comercial Argentino Angelicano" in Rosario, institution that eventually would house the club. That same year he would bring from England the first leather ball and the first official soccer rules to Argentina, and that was when the school began to alternate study with the sport of football. In 1900 Isaac fell ill and delegated management of the college to his eldest son, Claudio. The "Club Atletico Newells Old Boys" was founded on November 3rd, 1903. It was Claudio Newell, son of Isaac, who called teachers and students of the college for an official presentation                  , as the life of his father extinguished. At the ceremony the name "Club Atletico Newell's Old Boys" ( Viejos Muchachos  de Newell) was chosen to honour the life and work of Isaac.

The  colours of the flag  were a combinarion of the flag of England (Isaac´s home) and Germany (home of his wife Anna): red and black. The task of  designing the flag was given to Ernesto Edwards, and a student of the school, had to design the  outfits for the games, then do the same with the jackets.

Both fans and players of Newell's Old Boys are known as "lepers", since  in the early twentieth century they were invited to hold a meeting to benefit leprosy patients resident in the Carrasco Hospital, with their traditional rival  football team, Rosario Cenral. The invitation was accepted immediately by Newell's Old Boys, who received the nickname of "lepers" while their opponents didn't accept the invitation, and received the label of “cold chests”. With the passing of time the nickname was more and more popular, to the point of becoming an emblem for the team.

In conclusion, if you are interested in visiting the stadium of Newell's Old Boys, it is located on 2502 Morcillo Esteban Street. It is a large, comfortable stadium and a pleasure to see. It is a nice place to encourage Newell's football team, If you like to practice other sports such as tennis and hockey, you can also do so there.

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